a mechanical engineering toolbox
source code - https://github.com/nagordon/mechpy
documentation - https://nagordon.github.io/mechpy/
Neal Gordon
Neal Gordon
This is an example of a composite plate with a pressure applied to the top. It also showcases python's symbolic library sympy to solve the differential equations of the comopsite plate theory
1) Hyer, Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composites Materials
2) Reddy, Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells
# Import Python modules and
import numpy as np
from numpy import zeros, ones, linspace, arange, array
from numpy.linalg import inv
import sympy as sp
from sympy.plotting import plot3d
from sympy import symbols, solve, diff, Matrix
from pprint import pprint
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
# printing and plotting settings
get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') # inline plotting
#mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,7)
#mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
#mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14
# import mechpy modules
from composites import Qf, T1, T2, T1s, T2s
# Define Material Properties and compute ABD matrix
plythk = 0.0025
plyangle = array([0,45]) * np.pi/180 # angle for each ply # [0,90,-45,45,0][0 45 -45 90 0]
nply = len(plyangle) # number of plies
laminatethk = zeros(nply) + plythk
H = sum(laminatethk) # plate thickness
# Create z dimensions of laminate
z_ = zeros(nply+1); z_[0] = -H/2
zmid_ = zeros(nply)
for i in range(nply):
z_[i+1] = z_[i] + laminatethk[i]
zmid_[i] = z_[i] + laminatethk[i]/2
a_ = 20 # plate width;
b_ = 10 # plate height
q_ = -5.7 # plate load;
# Transversly isotropic material properties
E1 = 150e9
E2 = 12.1e9
nu12 = 0.248
G12 = 4.4e9
nu23 = 0.458
G23 = E2 / (2*(1+nu23))
# Failure Strengths
F1t = 1500e6
F1c = -1250e6
F2t = 50e6
F2c = -200e6
F12t = 100e6
F12c = -100e6
Strength = array([[F1t, F1c],
[F2t, F2c],
[F12t, F12c]])
A = zeros((3,3)); B = zeros((3,3)); D = zeros((3,3))
Q = Qf(E1, E2, nu12, G12 )
for i in range(nply): # = nply
Qbar = inv(T1(plyangle[i])) @ Q @ T2(plyangle[i]) # solve(T1(plyangle[i]), Q) @ T2(plyangle[i])
A += Qbar*(z_[i+1]-z_[i])
# coupling stiffness
B += (1/2)*Qbar*(z_[i+1]**2-z_[i]**2)
# bending or flexural laminate stiffness relating moments to curvatures
D += (1/3)*Qbar*(z_[i+1]**3-z_[i]**3)
A11_ = A[0,0]
B11_ = B[0,0]
D11_ = D[0,0]
# declare symbols for equation generation
#x,y,q = symbols('x,y,q')
th,x,y,z,q,a,b,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 = symbols('th,x,y,z,q,a,b,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6')
strainx, strainy, strainxy, stressx, stress, stressxy = symbols('epsilonx,epsilony,gammaxy,sigmax,sigmay,sigmaxy')
ex,ey,exy,sx,sy,sxy = symbols('epsilon_x, epsilon_y, gamma_xy,sigma_x,sigma_y,tau_xy')
A11,A22,A66,A12,A16,A26,A66 = symbols('A11,A22,A66,A12,A16,A26,A66')
B11,B22,B66,B12,B16,B26,B66 = symbols('B11,B22,B66,B12,B16,B26,B66')
D11,D22,D66,D12,D16,D26,D66 = symbols('D11,D22,D66,D12,D16,D26,D66')
Nx,Ny,Nxy,Mx,My,Mxy = symbols('Nx,Ny,Nxy,Mx,My,Mxy')
##if use this, then reference the function as u0(x), example diff(u0(x),x,2)
#u0 = Function('u0')(x,y)
#v0 = Function('v0')(x,y)
#w0 = Function('w0')(x,y)
w0 = A11 / (A11*D11-B11**2) * ( q*x**4/24 - C2*x**3/6 - (C3- B11/A11*C1)*x**2/2 - C5*x - C6 )
u0 = D11/(A11*D11 - B11**2 ) *C1*x + B11/(A11*D11-B11**2) * (q*x**3/6-C2*x**2/2-C3*x)+C4/A11
# define boundary conditions
Nx = C1
Mx = -q*x**2/2+C2*x+C3
# simple support, pin pin
#bc1 = Mx.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc2 = Mx.subs(x,-a/2)
#bc3 = u0.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc4 = u0.subs(x,-a/2)
#bc5 = w0.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc6 = w0.subs(x,-a/2)
## pin-roller
#bc1 = Mx.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc2 = Mx.subs(x,-a/2)
#bc3 = Nx.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc4 = u0.subs(x,-a/2)
#bc5 = w0.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc6 = w0.subs(x,-a/2)
# fixed-pin
#bc1 = u0.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc2 = w0.subs(x,+a/2)
#bc3 = w0.diff(x).subs(x,+a/2)
#bc4 = u0.subs(x,-a/2)
#bc5 = Mx.subs(x,-a/2)
#bc6 = w0.subs(x,-a/2)
bc1 = u0.subs(x,+a/2)
bc2 = w0.subs(x,+a/2)
bc3 = Mx.subs(x,+a/2) #0
bc4 = w0.diff(x).subs(x,-a/2)
bc5 = u0.subs(x,-a/2) #0
bc6 = w0.subs(x,-a/2) #0
C = solve([bc1,bc2,bc3,bc4,bc5,bc6],[C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6])
C1_ = C[C1].subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_})
C2_ = C[C2].subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_})
C3_ = C[C3].subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_})
C4_ = C[C4].subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_})
C5_ = C[C5].subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_})
C6_ = C[C6].subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_})
u0 = u0.subs({C1:C[C1] , C2:C[C2], C3:C[C3], C4:C[C4], C5:C[C5], C6:C[C6]})
w0 = w0.subs({C1:C[C1] , C2:C[C2], C3:C[C3], C4:C[C4], C5:C[C5], C6:C[C6]})
# x displacement function u(x)
u0f = u0.subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_,C1:C1_ , C2:C2_, C3:C3_, C4:C4_, C5:C5_, C6:C6_})
# z displacement function, w(x)
w0f = w0.subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_,C1:C1_ , C2:C2_, C3:C3_, C4:C4_, C5:C5_, C6:C6_})
# calculate strains based on the plate dispalcment
epsx = diff(u0,x) + 0.5* diff(w0,x)**2 - z*diff(w0,x,2)
epsy = 0.5* diff(w0,y)**2 - z*diff(w0,y,2)
epsxy = 0.5*(diff(u0,y) + diff(w0,x)*diff(w0,y)) - z*diff(w0,x,y)
epsx = epsx.subs({a:a_,b:b_,q:q_,A11:A11_, B11:B11_, D11:D11_,C1:C1_ , C2:C2_, C3:C3_, C4:C4_, C5:C5_, C6:C6_})
# Strain matrix in global coordinate system
epsbar = Matrix([[epsx],[epsy],[epsxy]])
# plotting results
# Sympy 3d plots
#from sympy.plotting import plot3d
#plot3d(w0f, (x,-a_/2,a_/2), (y,-b_/2,b_/2), title='beam deflection', xlabel='a,in', ylabel='b,in', zlabel='z,in');
# matplotlib plots
res = 250
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-a_/2,a_/2,res), np.linspace(-b_/2,b_/2,res))
w = sp.lambdify(x,w0f, "numpy")
fig = plt.figure('plate-warpage', figsize=(12, 8))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, w(X), cmap=mpl.cm.jet, alpha=0.3)
cset = ax.contourf(X, Y, w(X), cmap=mpl.cm.jet, alpha=0.3, zdir='z', offset=np.min(w(X)))
#cbar = plt.colorbar(cset)
ax.set_xlabel('plate width,y-direction')
ax.set_ylabel('plate length,x-direction')
#ax.view_init(elev=25, azim=-58) # elevation and angle
#ax.dist=10 # distance
# plot contour lines
#CS = plt.contour(X, Y, w(X), cmap=mpl.cm.jet) ; cbar = plt.colorbar(CS) ; plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
for i,k in enumerate(range(0,2*nply,2)):
Qbar = T1s(plyangle[i])**-1 @ Q @ T2s(plyangle[i])
# stress is calcuated at top and bottom of each ply
sigmabar = Qbar @ epsbar.subs({z:zmid_[i]})
eps = T2s(plyangle[i]) @ epsbar.subs({z:zmid_[i]})
sigma = Q @ eps
for p in range(3):
#plot3d(sigma[p], (x,-a_/2,a_/2), (y,-b_/2,b_/2), title='stress_%i at z=%f'%((p+1),zmid_[i]), xlabel='a,in', ylabel='b,in', zlabel='z,in')
sigmaplot = sp.lambdify(x,sigma[p], "numpy")
fig = plt.figure(i, figsize=(12, 8))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, sigmaplot(X), cmap=mpl.cm.jet, alpha=0.3)
#ax.contourf(X, Y, sigmaplot(X), cmap=mpl.cm.jet, alpha=0.3, zdir='z', offset=np.min(w(X)))
plt.title('$\sigma_%i$, z=%f, $\Theta=%f$ ' % ( (p+1),zmid_[i], plyangle[i]*180/np.pi) )
ax.set_xlabel('plate width,y-direction,in')
ax.set_ylabel('plate length,x-direction, in')