a mechanical engineering toolbox
source code - https://github.com/nagordon/mechpy
documentation - https://nagordon.github.io/mechpy/
Neal Gordon
A quick study to show the quasi-isotropic properties of a lamina / laminate for quasi-isotropicity. In plan
Intution says that there should be a discernible "bump" in Ex as the "quasi" laminate is rotated, when in reality, it is identically ZERO. INTERESTING!
material properties are from Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, Daniel
from numpy import pi, zeros, ones, linspace, arange, array, sin, cos, sqrt, pi
from numpy.linalg import solve, inv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,figure,xlim,ylim,title,legend, \
grid, show, xlabel,ylabel, tight_layout, savefig
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
def T1(th):
'''Stress Transform for Plane Stress
th=ply angle in degrees
voight notation for stress tranform. sigma1 = T1 @ sigmax
recall T1(th)**-1 == T1(-th)'''
n = sin(th*pi/180)
m = cos(th*pi/180)
T1 = array( [[m**2, n**2, 2*m*n],
[n**2, m**2,-2*m*n],
[-m*n, m*n,(m**2-n**2)]])
return T1
def T2(th):
'''Strain Transform for Plane Stress
th=ply angle in degrees
voight notation for strain transform. epsilon1 = T2 @ epsilonx'''
n = sin(th*pi/180)
m = cos(th*pi/180)
T2 = array( [[m**2, n**2, m*n],
[n**2, m**2,-m*n],
[-2*m*n, 2*m*n, (m**2-n**2)]])
return T2
def Qf(E1,E2,nu12,G12):
'''transversly isptropic compliance matrix. pg 58 herakovich
G12 = E1/(2*(1+nu12)) if isotropic'''
nu21 = E2*nu12/E1
Q = array([[E1/(1-nu12*nu21), E2*nu12/(1-nu12*nu21), 0],
[ E2*nu12/(1-nu12*nu21), E2/(1-nu12*nu21), 0],
[0, 0, G12]])
return Q
def plot_properties(layupname, Ex,Ey,nuxy,Gxy,H):
Q = Qf(Ex,Ey,nuxy,Gxy)
plyangle = arange(-45, 45.1, 1)
Exbar = zeros(len(plyangle))
Eybar = zeros(len(plyangle))
Gxybar = zeros(len(plyangle))
Qbar = zeros((len(plyangle),3,3))
for i,th in enumerate(plyangle):
Qbar[i] = solve(T1(th), Q) @ T2(th)
#Qbar = [solve(T1(th),Q) @ T2(th) for th in plyangle]
Aij = Qbar*H
# laminate Stiffness
# | Exbar Eybar Gxybar |
# A = | vxybar vyxbar etasxbar |
# | etaxsbar etaysbar etasybar |
# laminate Comnpliance
aij = zeros((len(plyangle),3,3))
for i, _Aij in enumerate(Aij):
aij[i] = inv(_Aij)
# material properties for whole laminate (Daniel, pg183)
Exbar = [1/(H*_aij[0,0]) for _aij in aij]
Eybar = [1/(H*_aij[1,1]) for _aij in aij]
Gxybar = [1/(H*_aij[2,2]) for _aij in aij]
df = pd.DataFrame({'plyangle':plyangle, 'Exbar':Exbar, 'Eybar':Eybar,'Gxybar':Gxybar})
#df.to_csv('Laminate Properties varying angle for E-Glass Epoxy fabric M10E-3783 {}.csv'.format(layupname))
plot(plyangle, Exbar, label = r"Modulus: $E_x$")
plot(plyangle, Eybar, label = r"Modulus: $E_y$")
plot(plyangle, Gxybar, label = r"Modulus: $G_{xy}$")
title("Laminate Properties varying angle for E-Glass Unidirectional Tape {}".format(layupname))
ylabel("modulus, psi")
#savefig('Laminate Properties varying angle for E-Glass Epoxy fabric M10E-3783 {}.png'.format(layupname))
layupname = '[0]'
Ex= 6000000.00
Ey= 1500000.00
nuxy= 0.28
Gxy= 620000.00
H= 0.1250
plot_properties(layupname, Ex,Ey,nuxy,Gxy,H)
layupname = '[45]'
Ex= 1700027.42
Ey= 1700027.42
nuxy= 0.37
Gxy= 1079136.69
H = 0.1250
plot_properties(layupname, Ex,Ey,nuxy,Gxy,H)
layupname = '[0, 45, -45, 90, 90, -45, 45, 0]'
Ex= 3000925.78
Ey= 3000925.78
nuxy= 0.29
Gxy= 1159143.21
H = 1.0000
plot_properties(layupname, Ex,Ey,nuxy,Gxy,H)
layupname = '[0, 60, -60, -60, 60, 0]'
Ex= 3000925.78
Ey= 3000925.78
nuxy= 0.29
Gxy= 1159143.21
H = 0.7500
plot_properties(layupname, Ex,Ey,nuxy,Gxy,H)