Rebuilding the site with nikola

After a long hiatus, I have decided to revive my blog, ifcuriousthenlearn. Part of the reason why I stopped is that static site builder I has used, pelican, became unwieldy to use, especially with the jupyter notebook support. It was a real pain to add more posts, so I got tired of posting.

In addition to that, my domain name, expired and it went from a few dollars a year to $60/year! So, I let it go, and someone, for some reason, bought the domain, and republished my old static site. I do not know why, but this is my new blog and is a copy of my old blog. Hopefully they are not up to anything nefarious.

So far, I am really impressed with nikola with excited to start posting more with some of my current projects. I hope you'll enjoy my work and soon I hope to add disqus comments again to have some interaction with readers.

Enjoy and stay curious!


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